A few years ago, I painted my bedroom a colour called “fieldpoppy” — not orange, not red, but with the feeling of the best sunrise. I realized that when I woke up surrounded by that colour, I felt more optimistic about what was possible in the coming day.
As I’ve traveled around the world, I’ve encountered many bursts of wild fieldpoppies — jaunty, hardy, unexpected, vivid. For me, they represent what happens when we’re given the space to find the most energized, inspiring parts of ourselves.
I started blogging under the name fieldpoppy more than a decade ago, inspired by that energy to ride bikes across new countries by myself, to go the places that scare me (metaphorically and physically), to find grit I didn’t know I had, to believe that things I once thought were impossible or scary were things I could do. In my coaching, I help you discover that part of yourself.