I develop options with each client individually, and fees are based on a sliding scale — but here are some of the most common packages clients choose. All of these are virtual — phone or video. If you happen to be in Toronto, we can sometimes arrange other options (walking and coaching, for example), but the basic mode for my coaching is virtual.
Setting new directions
Are you feeling stuck about work, life or your sense of purpose? Do you have a yearning to infuse new energy into your life or work? Have you finished one goal and are wondering what’s next? This intensive coaching experience combines self-guided reflective tools about your values, unique ability and desired future with three x 45 minute focused coaching sessions over 6 – 8 weeks. Your commitment is self-reflection, journaling and being open to a little creative exploration – and together, we’ll co-create goals that motivate and inspire you.
Finding Grounding in a changing world
There is a lot going on around us right now. We’re all processing the impact of the pandemic, outrage and sorrow about the state of the world, worry about the future. For some people, this creates a sense of being stuck — and for some, it’s galvanizing, creating a sense of “it’s time to do something different.” This coaching package will support you with weekly 45 minute sessions to make sense of what all of these changes mean to you and how you can move forward with clarity and energy.
leading change
Do you have a new work role, or a new initiative you’re accountable for? This coaching package brings together my expertise in leading change and strategy with coaching, providing regular (weekly, biweekly or monthly) support for 3 to 6 months to help you articulate and lead from your authentic values, make and implement plans, engage others and work through the countless issues that show up. Many clients in this context begin with weekly 30 minute sessions and move to biweekly or monthly after the initial foundations are laid.
ongoing support
Do you have a sense of dissatisfaction or wanting more in some part of your life, but you’re not sure what? Are you noticing patterns that aren’t serving you but you haven’t been able to change them? Are you living with some grief, loss or sadness that you need a place to work through? This coaching relationship supports you to explore and learn about what’s happening for you, and to find ways to use new insights about yourself to make the shifts you yearn for. For this kind of support, biweekly 45 minute sessions are the most common structure.